Lincoln SENIOR Apartments - Oroville, CA
Lincoln SENIOR Apartments
Bids Due: Friday, March 21 by 4:00 P.M
"Lincoln SENIOR Apartments" in Oroville, CA is the second phase of the previously completed Lincoln Family Apartments. The project consists of one (1 ea.) two-story apartment building, double loaded corridor, no balconies or decks. It is primarily one-bedroom units with some two-bedroom units, 61 total units. The project is slated to Start in June 2025 and complete Winter 2026.
If interested in bidding, please read this Invitation to Bid in its entirety.
We are soliciting bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including those which are qualified Section 3 businesses, Minority-Owned and Woman-Owned businesses.
Please Note: This project is subject to Federal Davis-Bacon Prevailing wages and is subject to all regulations, compliance and reporting for Section 3, Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority and Women-Owned Businesses.
Note, for Davis-Bacon Butte County Prevailing wages, many wages listed in the Wage Determination are below Federal and State Minimum wages, at Minimum you will need to pay workers $17.75 per hour.
Please review the Prevailing Wage Determination and Labor Compliance provisions that are included in the bid documents for further details.
The following are already engaged with the Owner and therefore, we will NOT be soliciting bids from outside vendors:
· Fire Alarm
· Fire Sprinklers
· Trusses
· Solar PV
The Bid Date and Time is Friday, March 21 by 4:00 P.M. It is preferred that your proposal be emailed but it can also be faxed, mailed or phoned in to our office prior to the bid time. Please email your proposals to
For technical assistance and questions regarding the project you can contact Nyles Armstrong at (530) 891-6444.
Any questions should be directed to the General Contractor. In no instance should the designers be contacted directly.
All RFI’s must be submitted to General Contractor no later than
Friday, March 14, 2025.
Plans can be viewed through the link below or you may view them online through your local builders exchanges.
View/Download Plans HERE.
A printed set of plans will also be available for review, by appointment, at our office at 48 Comanche Ct., Chico, CA 95928.
Thank you for your consideration of this project.